Become a Sponsor

Sponsorship Opportunities

Show support for our local farm community by becoming a sponsor of the Farm Directory Leeds Grenville!

Welcome to the online Farm Directory of Leeds Grenville! Our goal is to help area farmers expand their online presence and reach new customers. The directory is a welcome resource for farmers, consumers and visitors alike.

The directory is focused on Leeds and Grenville, with all farmers, farm-related businesses and organizations in Leeds and Grenville being given a free basic listing that includes their business name, address, and phone number. Opportunities to have a direct link to their website, email, business description etc., are available at a minimal yearly fee (see listing packages).

You are here because you’ve expressed interest in our sponsorship opportunities. Thank You!! In appreciation of your generosity, you would receive a complimentary premium listing in the directory. Your logo will also be featured in the sponsorship section of the website. You will receive social media shoutouts for your support, and of course, a receipt for your sponsorship ad.

A Farm Directory Sponsorship is an excellent way for your organization or business to show your support to our area farmers while giving added visibility to your brand.

Become a Farm Friend for $100 + HST, a Farm Partner for $250 + HST, a Farm Advocate for $500 + HST or a Farm Guardian for $1000 + HST today!

* Note that Founding Sponsors that joined in 2022 are lifetime sponsors. Those sponsoring in 2023 and beyond are on a yearly basis. 

Sponsorship Level
Payment Options
Note: Sponsorship amounts are plus HST* HST #720149731 RT0001
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