Farm Facts

According to the 2021 Agricultural Census Statistics Canada:
The following types and number of farm operations in Ontario consist of:
Dairy Cattle & Milk: 9,403
Beef Cattle & Feedlots: 39,633
Hog & Pig Farming: 3,016
Poultry & Egg Production: 5,296
Sheep & Goat Farming: 3,575
Other Animal Production: 15,873
Oilseed & Grain Farming: 65,135
Vegetable and Melon Farming: 5,076
Fruit and Tree Nut Farming: 7,101
Greenhouse, Nursery & Floriculture Production: 5,256
Other Crop Farming: 30,510

Agriculture Fun Facts and Trivia
Compiled by Ruth Vogel, OFA MSR for Dundas, Grenville, Leeds and Frontenac Counties.
- The Macintosh apple tree was discovered in Ontario (Dundas County) in 1811
- It takes 26 hours for a chicken to make an egg.
- A Dairy cow can eat up to a bathtub full of water (75 litres) every day.
- Chocolate milk and white milk have the same nutrients.
- There are 150 yards (450 feet) of wool yarn in a baseball.
- A hive of bees flies over 55,000 miles to bring you one pound of honey. A honey bee can fly 15 miles per hour.
- Chocolate milk has the same amount of sugar as unsweetened juice.
- There is no nutritional difference between brown and white eggs.
- Carrots can be orange, white, yellow or purple.
- Dairy cows give an average of 27 litres of milk a day.